Premium Concrete Coating Installation

At GulfAtlantic, we’re the experts in preserving and enhancing your concrete flooring investment. Our premium concrete coating installation is your first line of defense against the relentless wear and tear that can degrade concrete over time. With a wide array of options, we tailor our coatings to meet your specific needs. Our coatings are not just utilitarian; they also bring a touch of elegance to industrial settings. They are stain-resistant, chemical-resistant, and built to withstand the toughest conditions, ensuring that your floors not only endure but also shine.

Acid Stained Concrete

Acid stained concrete is the choice for businesses seeking both aesthetics and low maintenance. Our skilled application not only adds allure to your floors but also fortifies them against daily wear. With multiple layers of acrylic sealer, your stained concrete enjoys long-lasting protection, and when polished, it becomes virtually maintenance-free.

Anti-slip Systems

Slip hazards are a common concern in commercial and industrial settings. Our anti-slip floor coating systems come to the rescue. Whether it’s wet areas, doorways, or any other spots prone to slipping, we offer a range of anti-skid coatings to enhance facility safety, reducing potential legal risks.

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Decorative Flake Systems

Ideal for commercial floors, our decorative flake systems combine durability and aesthetics. They are not only attractive but also cost-effective compared to pricier options like terrazzo and ceramic tile. Easy to clean and built to last, these systems add a touch of sophistication to your environment.

Decorative Quartz Floors

Our decorative quartz systems are tailored for commercial facilities, offering durability, easy maintenance, and an appealing appearance. These floors present an excellent alternative to more expensive options like terrazzo while delivering both practicality and visual charm.

Epoxy & Urethane Coatings

While epoxy bonds exceptionally well to concrete, it can be prone to scratching. To overcome this, we recommend adding a high-performance urethane wear coat. This combination not only maintains the original look but also offers easier cleaning, resulting in cost savings.

Heavy Duty Polished Concrete

For high-traffic areas with rigorous demands, our heavy-duty polished concrete stands out. Achieved through an eight-stage process with heavy pressure and dust collection, this finish is virtually maintenance-free. While it’s a labor-intensive and premium option, it’s ideal for those who value the long-term benefits.


Polyurea Joint Injection

Maintain your facility’s floor joints efficiently with polyurea joint compounds. These compounds protect against industrial traffic and offer up to 300% elongation, ensuring joints last longer and remain free from dust and debris.

Power-Trowelled Epoxy

When heavy traffic or chemical erosion threatens your concrete floor, a power-trowelled epoxy coating provides a cost-effective alternative to concrete replacement. It not only protects against further erosion but also ensures easy maintenance.

Sealed Concrete Floors

Our sealed concrete floors shield against dirt and debris, reducing cleaning costs and safeguarding the production process from dust contamination. With options for clear and colored applications, these floors enhance facility safety through increased light reflectivity.


Secondary Containment Systems

In industrial settings susceptible to chemical erosion, our secondary containment systems are the answer. Designed to secure process chemicals and protect against leaks, these systems reduce maintenance and repair costs, boost safety, and lower liability risks.

USDA Approved Coatings

Meeting Stringent Standards: Our USDA approved industrial floor coatings cater to the food and pharmaceutical industries. Ideal for wet environments such as food preparation and chemical processing, these coatings are steam-cleanable, anti-microbial, and anti-skid, ensuring suitability for heavy forklift traffic.